Archbishop Consecrates New Church Building in Helsinki, Finland

Helsinki, Finland – August 27, 2023
In a momentous ceremony, His Grace Abune Elias, the Archbishop of Sweden, Scandinavia, and Greece, presided over the consecration of the brand-new Church building for the DebreAmin Abune Teklehaymanot Church in the heart of Helsinki, Finland. The consecration took place on August 26, 2023, marking a significant milestone for the local Christian community.
The Helsinki DebreAmin Abune Teklehaymanot Church, originally blessed by His Grace Abune Antonis, commenced its service back in 2011. However, until recently, the parish had been conducting spiritual services only twice a month, mostly within borrowed premises from the Finnish Orthodox Church. The congregation has grown steadily over the years, with a noticeable increase in the number of children, young adults, and faithful members.
In response to this growth and the desire to provide a more stable place for worship and education, the decision was made to secure a permanent facility. MeleakeAmin kesis Lema Besufekad, the Administrator of the Diocese of Sweden, Scandinavia, and Greece, emphasized the need for this crucial step.
The Helsinki DebreAmin Abune Teklehaymanot Parish Church has played a vital role in serving believers across Finland, earning commendation for its spiritual contributions. Many faithful individuals who have benefited from the parish’s spiritual services have expressed their gratitude and support.
In conjunction with the church’s consecration, His Grace Abune Elias ordained two dedicated Deacons who had been serving in the parish to Priesthood. Additionally, three aspiring spiritual students were ordained as Deacons.
During the ceremony, Elder Abune Elias, who offered blessings for the new church building and officially inaugurated it, reminded the congregation of the importance of strengthening the parish and acquiring its permanent space in the near future.
The consecration of the new Church building marks a significant chapter in the history of the Helsinki DebreAmin Abune Teklehaymanot Church, as it continues to grow and flourish in its mission to serve the faithful community in Finland.
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